People 2024-08-26T15:51:44+00:00


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Dr. Daphne Mah is currently Director of the Asian Energy Studies Centre, and an Associate Professor at Department of Geography of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU). Dr. Mah obtained her MSc in Environmental Management from the University of Nottingham in the UK, and completed her PhD study in 2010 at HKU, investigating the role of local states, policy capacity and the development of wind energy policies in Xinjiang, Shanghai and Guangdong.

Dr. Mah’s research and teaching focuses on three broad domains: sustainable energy, energy governance, and comparative policy-making, mainly in the Asian, Chinese and Hong Kong contexts. She was awarded the Chevening Scholarship for her studies in the UK.

She is a recent recipient of Faculty of Social Sciences’ (HKBU) Faculty Award for Early Career Academic (Research) 2014-2015. Before pursuing her academic career, Daphne was a journalist in Ming Pao Daily News, and the head of the campaigns team of Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong).

Centre Staff

Dr. Darren Cheung is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow of the Centre. Dr. Cheung obtained his MA in Social Science from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and completed his PhD study in 2015 at The University of Hong Kong. His thesis investigates the dynamics between the government, developers and community in the land supply and land-use planning of public open space in Hong Kong.

Dr. Cheung’s research interests include: sustainable energy transition; energy and planning governance; and energy and urban geography. Prior to joining HKBU in 2017, he served various teaching and research positions in the Department of Urban Planning and Design in The University of Hong Kong.  

Kiki Cheung Wing Kei is a PhD student of the Department of Geography. She is also a research student for the centre. Kiki attained her MSc in Energy, Society & Sustainability at the University of Edinburgh, and her BSSc in Geography at Hong Kong Baptist University. Her research interest lies in technology empowerment, power dynamics, energy transitions and community engagements.

Thomas Lam is a Mphil student of the Centre. He is a graduate of MSc student majoring in Energy and Environment at City University of Hong Kong. He is interested in the research topic of smart water metering, renewable energy transitions and sustainable development goals. 

Elim Kwok is a Research Assistant of the Centre. She is a BSc graduate, majoring in Ecology and Biodiversity at the University of Hong Kong. She is interested in environmental conservation and community engagement.

Yee Wah Anna Wang is a Research Assistant of the Centre. She is a MSc graduate, majoring in Environmental Management at the University of Hong Kong.

Pat Chan is a Project Assistant of the Centre. She is a graduate of MComm majoring in International Finance at University of New South Wales. 


ABE, Rikiya
ABE, RikiyaProject Professor, Co-chair, Presidential Endowed Chair for Digital Grid, The University of Tokyo; Representative Director, Digital Grid Consortium
Expertise: Smart grid technologies; Microgrids; Electrical engineering; Japan
ANDREWS-SPEED, PhilipSenior Principal Fellow, Head, Energy Security Division, Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore
Expertise:Political economy of energy governance; China; Asia
BALME, Richard
BALME, RichardProfessor and Scientific Director for the Master in International Public Management, Sciences Po, Paris School of International Affairs
Expertise: Comparative environmental governance
CHUN, Kwok Pan
CHUN, Kwok PanAssistant Professor, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University
Expertise: Water security; Global change; Numerical modelling; Stochastic processes; Optimisation; Uncertainty analysis; Environmental technology
DENG, Lifeng
DENG, LifengAssociate Professor and Head of Department of Public Communication, School of Communication and Design, Sun Yat-sen University
Expertise: Risk communication and governance, science communication and popularization; public deliberation in nuclear governance in China
FANG, Xiang
FANG, XiangAssociate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, School of Sociology and Anthropology, Sun Yat-Sen University
Expertise: Risk management and public perception; Energy and environmental health; China
FULLER, SaraSenior Lecturer, Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie University
Expertise: Energy justice; Climate change; Eergy governance; Environmental politics
GAO, Meng
GAO, MengAssistant Professor, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University
Expertise: Air quality and atmospheric chemistry modeling; Chemistry-climate interactions; Environmental health and Big data analytics
GOULDSON, AndyProfessor of Environmental Policy and Dean: Interdisciplinary Research, University of Leeds
Expertise: Environmental and climate policy; Energy and low carbon development; Cities and climate change; China
GUO, Meiyu
GUO, MeiyuLecturer II, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University
Expertise: Unconventional gas development; Environmental impact assessment; Environmental enforcement and compliance; Environmental economics
HILLS, Peter
HILLS, PeterResearch Fellow, Asian Energy Studies Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University
Expertise: Energy policy in the Asia-Pacific region
KIM, Jung Eun
KIM, Jung EunAssistant Professor, The Department of Politics and Public Administration, The University of Hong Kong
Expertise: Environmental and international development policy
LEE, Taedong
LEE, TaedongProfessor, Political Science Department, Yonsei University
Expertise: Global environmental politics; Cities and climate change
LEPESANT, GillesSenior Researcher, CNRS (Unit Géographie-Cités, Paris)
Expertise: Energy transition; European union energy policy; renewables; Urban planning
LIAO, Cui-ping
LIAO, Cui-pingResearch Director, Energy Strategy Research Centre, Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Expertise: Energy strategies, planning, and assessment
LO, Kevin
LO, KevinAssistant Professor, Associate Director of the David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
Expertise: Energy and urban carbon governance; Carbon trading; China
MCLELLAN, BenAssociate Professor, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
Expertise: Energy technology and policy; Participatory design and processes; Minerals and energy technologies
MORI, Akihisa
MORI, AkihisaAssociate Professor of Global Environmental Economics, Kyoto University
Expertise: Environmental and climate funding; Energy-climate-environmental policy in Asia; Energy transition; Cross-border policy impact
OKUSHIMA, Shinichiro
OKUSHIMA, ShinichiroAssociate Professor, Department of Policy and Planning Sciences, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba
Expertise: Energy economics and policy; Environmental economics and policy; Energy poverty; Energy vulnerability; Energy transitions; Climate change; Environmental ethics
PAIK, Keun-Wook
PAIK, Keun-WookSenior Research Fellow, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES) & Associate Fellow, Energy, Environment and Resources Programme, Chatham House
Expertise: Eurasian energy studies, in particular Sino-Russian oil and gas cooperation, gas cooperation in Northeast Asia, DRPK offshore exploration and development, and Russia’s Arctic Onshore Gas Development (as LNG)
PAN, Wei
PAN, Wei Associate Director, Centre of Innovation in Construction and Infrastructure Development (CICID), The University of Hong Kong
Expertise: Zero carbon building; Prefabrication; Multi-criteria decision making
POH, Amy
POH, AmySenior Lecturer, UTM Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology; Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of Tokyo
Expertise: Statistical modelling; Smart grid security; Japan
QI, Ye
QI, YeDistinguished Professor of Environmental Policy and Management and Director of Public Policy, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua Unviersity
Expertise: Environmental and resource policy; China
SCHWEIZER, Pia-Johanna
SCHWEIZER, Pia-JohannaSenior Researcher, ZIRIUS Stuttgart Research Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies, University of Stuttgart
Expertise: Stakeholder involvement and participation; Enegy policy; Risk and climate change governance
SIU, Alice
SIU, AliceAssociate Director, Center for Deliberative Democracy, Stanford University
Expertise: Public opinion polling on energy issues
TANAKA, KenjiProject Associate Professor, Organization for Interdisciplinary Research Project, Department of Systems Innovation, The University of Tokyo
Expertise: Social system; Demand forecasting; Service design; Li-battery life
WANG, Jianhui
WANG, JianhuiComputational Engineer - Energy Systems, Centre for Energy, Environmental, and Economic Systems Analysis, Argonne National Laboratory
Expertise: Smart grids; Energy economics and policy; Renewable generation
WANG, Shou Wen
WANG, Shou WenAssociate Professor and Vice President of School of Law and Public Administration, China Three Gorges University
Expertise: Electrcity Market; Power System Risk Assessment; New Energy Policy
WILSON, Elizabeth
WILSON, ElizabethProfessor, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota
Expertise: Policies and institutions supporting energy system transitions
WOLFRAM, Marc Associate Professor, Urban Transformations Lab, Department of Architecture, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
Expertise: Urban Transformations; Urban Governance; Planning; System Innovation; Transformative Capacity; Sustainability Science
WU, Yun-Ying
WU, Yun-YingProfessor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hanshan Normal University
Expertise: Smart grid components, sensors; Smart grid deployment; Japan
XU, Yuan
XU, YuanAssiociate Professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Expertise: Air pollution policy; Energy development; China
YU, Ka-ho
YU, Ka-hoSenior Asia Analyst, Verisk Maplecroft & Associate, Energy Geopolitics Projects, Harvard Kennedy School
Expertise: Energy security; International relations; Global governance; China
ZHANG, Jianmin
ZHANG, JianminResearcher, Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission of China
Expertise: Energy, economy and environment; China

Honorary Advisors

CHAN, RaySenior Project Engineer – Power, GHD
Expertise: Design and construction of renewable energy systems
TANG, Thomas
TANG, ThomasCorporate Sustainability Director – AECOM
Expertise: Consulting; Policy research and applications; Sustainable development
NG, Simon
NG, SimonDirector – Policy & Research of Business Environment Council
Expertise: Academic/Policy research; Project management; Stakeholder’s engagement