Powerpoints and Videos
These Powerpoints and videos have been uploaded under permission by respective speakers of the First Asian Energy Conference: Smart Grids, Sustainability Transition, and Innovation in Governance on November 2, 2015. Please feel free to download or view for your personal use.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in these presentations or videos are solely of the authors, and they do not necessarily reflect the position of the Asian Energy Studies Centre on the discussed issues and topics. None of the parts in any of these Powerpoints or Videos may be cited or quoted without the permission of the presenter(s) within the respective presentation(s) or video(s).
Keynote Speeches

The Realisation of the “Internet of Energy” in Japan: Challenges and Prospects
Rikiya Abe
Professor, Presidential Endowed Chair of Digital Grid, University of Tokyo; Representative Director, Digital Grid Consortium, Japan
Prof. Abe’s Profile: (click here for profiles)
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)

A Deliberative Approach to Public Opinion Polling: Consumer Perceptions of Energy Choices in Japan and China
Alice Siu
Associate Director, Center of Deliberative Democracy, Stanford University, USA
Dr. Siu’s Profile: (click here for profiles)
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)
Session 1: Asian Experiences from Korea and Japan

Factors Enhancing Smart Grid Consumer Engagement
Chan-Kook Park
Associate Research Fellow, Korea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI), South Korea
Mr. Park’s Profile: (click here for profiles)
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint)

Smart Grids as a Social System Innovation: Experiences from EV Rent-a-car Project
Kenji Tanaka
Project Associate Professor, Organisation for Interdisciplinary Research Project, Department of Systems Innovation, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. Tanaka’s Profile: (click here for profiles)
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)

Morning Panel Discussion
Chair: Prof. Elizabeth Wilson
Panelists: Prof. Rikiya Abe, Dr. Alice Siu, Mr. Chan-Kook Park, Prof. Kenji Tanaka
Video: (click here for video)
Session 2: Asian Experiences in China

State, Markets, and Governance for Sustainable Energy Transitions: Smart Grid Developments in Japan and China
Daphne Mah
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Director, Asian Energy Studies Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Honorary Assistant Professor at the Kadoorie Institute at the University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Dr. Mah’s Profile: (click here for profiles)
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)

A Holistic View on Developing Smart Grids in Asia
John W M Cheng
Senior Manager – Group Sustainability, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, Hong Kong
Dr. Cheng’s Profile: (click here for profiles)
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)
Session 3: International Perspectives on Asian Smart Grid Pathways

The German Energy Transition – Lessons from the Helmholtz Alliance ENERGY-TRANS
Pia-Johanna Schweizer
Senior Researcher, ZIRIUS Stuttgart Research Center for Interdisciplinary Risk and Innovation Studies, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Dr. Schweizer’s Profile: (click here for profiles)
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)

Smart Grid Modernatisation and Stakeholder Perspectives: Lessons from the US and the Relevance to Asia
Elizabeth Wilson
Professor of Energy and Environmental Policy and Law, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, USA
Prof. Wilson’s Profile: (click here for profiles)
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)

Smart Grids, Information Flow, and Emerging Domestic Energy Practices: The Dutch Experience and Implications for China
Robin Smale
PhD Candidate, Environmental Policy Group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands
Mr. Smale’s Profile: (click here for profiles)
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)

Afternoon Panel Discussion
Chair: Prof. Peter Hills
Panelists: Dr. Daphne Mah, Prof. Elizabeth Wilson, and Mr. Robin Smale
Video: (click here for video)