The Third Asian Energy Conference:
Diversity in Urban Energy Transitions in Asia:
Trajectories, Governance and Policy Innovations
Powerpoints and Videos
These Powerpoints and videos have been uploaded under permission by respective speakers of The Third Asian Energy Conference: Diversity in Urban Energy Transitions in Asia: Trajectories, Governance and Policy Innovations in July 2019. Please feel free to download or view for your personal use.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in these presentations or videos are solely of the authors, and they do not necessarily reflect the position of the Asian Energy Studies Centre on the discussed issues and topics. None of the parts in any of these Powerpoints or Videos may be cited or quoted without the permission of the presenter(s) within the respective presentation(s) or video(s).
Conference Package
(click to view)
Opening Remarks

Adrian J. Bailey
Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences;
Chair Professor of Geography;
Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS),
Hong Kong Baptist University
Video: (click here for Video)
Keynote Speech

New energy for new cities: Challenges and solutions to building sustainable cities
John Byrne
Chairman and President, Foundation for Renewable Energy & Environment;
Director & Distinguished Professor, Energy & Climate Policy,
Center for Energy & Environmental Policy, University of Delaware
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for Video)
Session 1: Socially Enabled Urban Energy Transition

Smart energy transition scenario development from a trust, social learning, and deliberative participation perspective: A preliminary framework and research agenda in the contexts of Japan and South Korea
Daphne Mah
Director, Asian Energy Studies Centre;
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography,
Hong Kong Baptist University
Alice Siu
Associate Director, Center for Deliberative Democracy, Stanford University
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)

Shifting environmental and social burdens and benefits of clean energy transitions
Benjamin McLellan
Associate Professor, Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University
Video: (click here for video)

Smart island energy transition
Taedong Lee
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and International Studies,
Yonsei University
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)

European pathways towards market based support schemes for renewables
Gilles Lepesant
Senior Researcher, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS);
Researcher, Centre Marc Bloch Berlin
Powerpoint: (Click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)
Session 2: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Energy Policy Innovations

Modelling household energy consumption using climatic and demographic variables in Hong Lok Yuen and Fairview Park, Hong Kong
Kwok Pan Chun
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University
Rita Fan
PhD Candidate, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)

An interdisciplinary approach to examine Singapore’s drive towards energy efficiency: Policies for a low carbon future
Melissa Low
Research Fellow, Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)

“Solar cities”: Municipal opportunity for strategic infrastructure-scale photovoltaic development incorporating market, finance, and policy conditions
Job Taminiau
Research Principal, Foundation for Renewable Energy & Environment
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)

Morning Panel Discussion
Chair: Peter Hills
Panelists: Daphne Mah, Gilles Lepesant, Kwok Pan Chun, Job Taminiau,
Benjamin McLellan, Melissa Low and Taedong Lee
Video: (click here for video)
Session 3: Governance Innovation for Low-carbon China

Socio-technical and political economy perspectives in the Chinese energy transition
Akihisa Mori
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies,
Kyoto University

Varieties of local governance and environmental policy innovations in China
Kyoung Marvin Shin
Assistant Professor, Institute of Technology Management,
National Tsing Hua University
Video: (click here for video)

Climate experimentation and the limits of top-down control: Local variation of climate pilots in China
Kevin Lo
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University
Video: (click here for video)

Revisiting multi-level governance theory: Politics and innovation in the urban climate transition in Rizhao, China
Linda Westman
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Urban Institute, University of Sheffield
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)
Session 4: Just and Social Perspective of Energy Transitions

Energy poverty and just Social Perspective of Energy Transitions
Shinichiro Okushima
Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems,
University of Tsukuba
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint)

Territorial equity in energy transition: Reflections on the Yellow Jackets Movement in France
Richard Balme
University Professor, Paris School of International Affairs;
Research Fellow, Center for European Studies And Comparative Politics, Sciences Po
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)

Actors in cooperation: A case study of low-carbon energy governance in Hong Kong
Tracy Cheung
Joint PhD Researcher, Institute of Geography, Universität Hamburg;
Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie University
Powerpoint: (click here for Powerpoint) / Video: (click here for video)

Afternoon Panel Discussion
Chair: Richard Balme
Panelists: Kyoung Marvin Shin, Kevin Lo, Akihisa Mori, Tracy Cheung, Shinichiro Okushima, Linda Westman
Video: (click here for video)