News Feature
(26 June 2017)
In a recent episode of RTHK’s The Pulse on the segment of renewable energy development in China and in Hong Kong, Dr. Kevin Lo discussed the potential Hong Kong has in developing renewable energy systems. Compared to other parts of China, Dr. Kevin Lo stated, “Hong Kong has one of the best solar radiation in the country, so we cannot really argue that Hong Kong is not suitable for solar development.”
Hong Kong, a signatory of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, has committed towards a goal of cutting its carbon emissions by up to 36% and its carbon intensity by up to 70% by 2030. However, Hong Kong has yet to commit to a renewable energy target.
You can view the full segment by clicking on the Youtube link on the left or here (click here to view).
Academic and Major Events
(31 October 2019) Mr. William Leung’s Open Lecture at Hong Kong Baptist University
(17 October 2019) Mr. Wing Mo Leung’s Open Lecture at Hong Kong Baptist University
(4 December 2017) 香港可再生能源工作坊2017
Learn more about the Workshop (click here to learn more)
Taedong Lee
Associate Professor
Political Science Department
Yonsei University
Gilles Lepesant
Senior Researcher
Unit Géographie-Cités
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
(3 December 2017) Dr. Taedong Lee’s Guest Lecture at Hong Kong Baptist University
(17 July 2017) Conference on “Governance for Sustainable Energy Transitions: The Perspectives of the Asian-Pacific Region”
Learn more about the Conference (Click here to learn more)
Qi Ye
Cheung Kong Professor of Environmental Policy and Management
School of Public Policy and management;
Volkswagen Professor of Sustainability
Tsinghua University
Senior Principal Research Fellow (Division Head)
Energy Studies Institute
National University of Singapore
(14 January 2017) Deliberative Workshop on Electricity Tariff and Demand-side Management in Kyoto, Japan
Learn more about the Deliberative Workshop (Click here to learn more)
(4-5 November 2016) The Deliberative Workshop on Solar Photovoltaic Development in Hong Kong: Prospects and Policy Challenges
Learn more about the Deliberative Workshop (Click here to learn more)
Energy Research Seminar Series
Learn more about the Energy Research Seminar Series (Click here to learn more) / Photos (Click here for more photos)
Taiwan Nucelar Seminar
(11 January 2018)
Dr. Chung-min Tsai
Seminar No. 8 (9 June 2017)
Dr. Deng Lifeng
Seminar No. 7 (28 March 2017)
Dr. Sara Fuller
March Energy Seminars
(2 March 2017)
Dr. Masaru Yarime, Dr Akihisa Mori, and Dr. Gilles Lespasant
Seminar No. 6
(12 September 2016)
Dr. Sopitsuda Tongsopit
Seminar No. 5 (8 April 2016)
Dr. Sara Fuller
Seminar No. 4 (17 December 2015)
Prof. Dai Yande
Seminar No. 3 (5 November 2015)
Mr. Robin Smale
Seminar No. 2 (4 November 2015)
Dr. Taedong Lee
Seminar No. 1 (3 November 2015)
Prof. Elizabeth Wilson
Student Field Trips
2017 Field Trip to Guangdong Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Technology
2015 Field Trip to Daya Bay
2013 Field Trip to solar manufacturers in Guangdong
2013 Field Trip to Shanwei Wind Farm
2012 Field Trip to biodiesel plant
2012 Field Trip to Daya Bay